Our Mission

Skyline Credit Union exist for the purpose of providing members with a quality, convenient financial institution, owned and operated by those who share a common bond.

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Services offered include, but are not limited to: saving, loans and financial guidance. We offer savings and loan services at competitive rates while operating in a safe and efficient manner, thus assisting in our members' financial well-being.

We will accomplish our mission through continued education, training and planning by volunteers, management/staff and board of directors, while complying with state and federal regulatory agencies.

Credit Union Staff


Who owns the credit union

  • The members own the credit union, with each member having one vote.

How can I have a voice in the credit union

Each member has one vote, and by state law, the credit union is required to have a membership meeting once a year. At the membership meeting, the members elect the directors to run the credit union.

Board of Directors

  • Angela Smith - President
  • Gary Washer - Vice President
  • Daniel Knalls - Vice President
  • Rose Ankenbauer - Treasurer
  • Loretta Baltz - Secretary
  • Rhonda Blackwell - Director
  • Cathy Manger - Director